On 5-3-15 we took an awesome group on tandem skydives, we had a great time hanging out and skydiving together. Little did we know that these guys were NFL players. Never once did any of them say anything that eluded to the fact of who they were. It wasn’t until we received a call from ESPN asking for a digital copy of a video that we realized one of those jumpers was Josh Norman – Cornerback for the Carolina Panthers.
This group earned our respect because they didn’t expect to be treated any differently than any other customers that we have. Josh and his other friends that jumped that day are awesome people and have earned fans for life just for being normal and not flaunting their “Celebrity” status. On the flip side of this, having your company name broadcasted over national television for taking Josh skydiving gives you a great since of pride that what we are doing is working and making people happy. We love to skydive and love being able to help others overcome their fears and take that leap with us.
Thank you to the Carolina Panthers, Josh Norman, and to ESPN for helping us share our sport in a positive way! Check out the ESPN article about Josh’s skydive with Skydive Central North Carolina LLC.